[mdlug] Apache and Config for files outside of www dir

gib at juno.com gib at juno.com
Tue Aug 10 10:27:33 EDT 2010

I'm trying to set up my web server to allow me to have the files on my large drive assessable.  I'm running into what, I assume, is a security issue that someone would be able help with.

I've got the server up and running with current Ubuntu. I've got my large drive with many files. I try setting up soft links to the large drive directory. I don't see why but I can't set up the directory security to allow group and other the read and execute.  

Directory on the small drive:
This works fine.

I set up a new directory and set the permissions:
I do a soft link:
ln -s /var/www/mystuff  /media/mydrivename/mystuff
The higher level directory "/media/mydrivename" seems to have group and other without read and execute. Repeated attemps to chmod don't seem to resove the issue.
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