[mdlug] Seek some helps and suggestion

Ching-Yi Hsieh cymed2 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 3 14:21:18 EDT 2009

Hello everyone:
This is my first time to post question.
I have Fedora 5 in my desktop. I met several problems. 
I did update from Fedora 4 to Fedora 5 using yum. Now yum doesn't work anymore. Perhaps I need to update yum as well. When I run yum, it appeared "No module named yum"

current version of Python, which is:
2.4.1 (#1, May 16 2005, 15:19:29)
[GCC 4.0.0 20050512 (Red Hat 4.0.0-5)]

What shall I do for this? Update yum?



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