[mdlug] MS Access CRM

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 05:31:40 EST 2009

Andrew Koper wrote:
> I am making a basic CRM in MS Access.  It should be pretty simple - three
> tables and a couple of forms.  I am not an Access person, but I am taking a
> stab at it.  I was hoping there was somebody on this list with MS Access
> experience.  I would like for us to meet at Panera or someplace like that
> sometime soon, sit down with our laptops, and finalize it over dinner and an
> hour or two.  I'll pay for the food.

Why not use something cross platform, like MySQL

It has the added benefit of being open source, so you're
not dependant on any vendor's "business decision" to stop
supporting your database engine, and hence, all of your
SQL files.  [Even thought MySQL was bought by Sun Microsystems,
which in turn was purchased by Oracle, MySQL will remain
GPL, open, and free (probably both "as in speech AND beer"
for the imaginable future, as long as a mere handful of people
are interested in maintaining it.

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