[mdlug] csv files

John Wiersba jrw32982 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 15 20:49:14 EST 2009

I use the following perl functions to parse csv records into fields and create csv records from a list of fields.  The functions do not handle records with embedded newlines.  You can embed the functions into your perl code or store the code in a file CSV.pm (in the right directory) and then write code like the two following scripts.

-- John Wiersba

# convert csv records to colon-separated fields
use CSV;
while (<>) {
   @fields = csv2fields $_;
   print join(":", @fields), "\n";


# convert colon-separated fields to csv records
use CSV;
while (<>) {
   @fields = split /:/;
   print fields2csv(@fields), "\n";

Contents of CSV.pm:

package CSV;
use Exporter ();
use vars qw{@ISA @EXPORT};
@ISA = qw{Exporter};
@EXPORT = qw{csv2fields fields2csv};
sub fields2csv {
   my (@fields) = @_;
   for (@fields) { 
      $_ = "<NULL>" unless defined $_;    # handle undefined value
      next unless /[,"]/;  # commas and quotes need special handling
      s/"/""/g;            # double up quotes
      $_ = qq{"$_"};       # surround with quotes
   return join ",", @fields;
sub csv2fields { 
   my ($csv) = @_;
   chomp $csv; 
   $csv .= "," if $csv ne "";    # make it easier to parse
   my @fields; 
   while ($csv =~
      /  "(                # $1: capture everything between quotes
           (?:""|[^"])*    # doubled quotes or non-quotes
         ([^,]+)?          # $2: check for garbage before comma
         ,                 # terminating comma 
         (")               # $3: unclosed quote
         ([^,]*),          # $4: capture everything between commas
   ) {   
      if (defined $2 || defined $3) {
         my $err2 = defined $2;
         $csv =~ s/,\z//;
         die(($err2 ? "data after quoted field" : "unclosed quote")
            . " in csv line: <$csv>\n");
      my $field = $+;
      $field =~ s/""/"/g if defined $1;
      push @fields, $field;
   return @fields;


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