[mdlug] Plan 9 is still alive.

Jacob Todd jaketodd422 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 17:51:00 EST 2009

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 05:00:52PM -0500, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> http://plan9.bell-labs.com/plan9/
> Notice the 4th International Workshop on Plan 9, Oct 21-23, 2009.
> Note also that plan9.bell-labs.com is running Plan9 as its OS.
The only people who thought Plan 9 was dead were the people who knew nothing of
it. 9netics[1] uses Plan 9, as does Rangboom[2], a product of 9netics. Coraid[3]
uses Plan 9 internally and at IWP9 there was a tour of Coraid's facilities[4].


Jake Todd
// If it isn't broke, tweak it!
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