[mdlug] Router - now power.

Robert Adkins radkins at impelind.com
Mon Nov 9 09:35:32 EST 2009

> For example, the Detroit River.  Heavy current, high flow and 
> most of the river is not "in the channel" used by ships.  How 
> much hydro power could be recovered?

	Quite a bit actually, enough that it is actually being looked at
with some designs coming out of one of our Universities. I believe it is
UofM, if I recall the news piece correctly.

	I am of the opinion that utilizing Hydro, Solar (with ever
increasing in efficiency solar cells), Wind and Nuclear, we can more than
eliminate our need for Fossil Fuels for electrical powr generation and as we
build better and far more efficient appliances, lighting, electronics, etc,
we will reach a point where it will become significantly more feasible to
replace more automobiles with electrically powered vehicles.

	None of this will be easy, none of this will happen overnight and
much of it will need to be subsidized, just like the Internet and many other
things we take for granted are subsidized by the government.


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