[mdlug] Router - now power.

Allen Majorovic amajorov at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 8 09:01:59 EST 2009

> Any industry that needs subsidies is, by definition,
> non-sustainable, no matter how much it is promoted
> by the "sustainable energy" drones.

Wasn't the internet itself heavily subsidized for it's first 30+ years?
Ditto rural electrification, by the way. And would we be better off
without the Interstate Highway system?

The internet and the highway system are both elements of national defense. I doubt you'll get too many people, other then people like yourself, arguing that national defense isn't a reasonable expenditure of tax revenue.

Rural electrification was an income redistribution scheme. People receiving the benefit of that income redistribution and the people who derive a vicarious sense of generosity by support of such measures will certainly assert the measure to be a net benefit to society. Not compelling points of view in my opinion since neither group has the best interests of society at heart.

If your aim is to suggest, without being explicit, that any expenditure of tax money that might be deemed successful undercuts doubts about the validity of subsidies in general then your dishonesty in the selection of your examples is understandable. Counter-examples abound.

For instance, there's Amtrak, the ethanol subsidy, government-supplied housing, the Cash for Clunkers program, the Smoot-Hawley Act, industrial and agricultural tariffs in general to name just a very few.

By the way, you might want to do the arithmetic to determine the area of solar cells necessary to equal the base load electrical generating capacity of the U.S. Not replace that capacity since solar cells can never do that but simply under a best case scenario, equal that capacity. The number I got was 45,000 square miles an area that would cover North and South Carolina.



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