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Robert Jim Fulner fulner at gmail.com
Thu May 28 23:58:39 EDT 2009

I appologize and I assure you that I meant no disrespect to anyone. The
simple comment "WTF" certainly threw me off guard. A better response would
have been to politely note that my signature was considerd political and as
such it would be preferred to not be included in an MDLUG post as per

In the future I assure you that I will attempt to remember to delete my
siganture from posts to MDLUG. (Almost forgot to do so just in this one).

BTW: . "No one here cares
about your political views (or those of anyone else).", is not actually an
accurate treatment as that would exclude me. I care about the political
opinion of each and every one of you.

Yours truly,
Jim Fulner

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Michael Corral <micorral at comcast.net>wrote:

> 2009-05-28, Monsieur Robert Jim Fulner a ecrit:
>> Mike:
>> What do you mean:
>> 2009-05-21, Monsieur Robert Jim Fulner a ?crit:
>> <snip>
>> > Jim Fulner
>> > Chair Libertarian Party of Oakland County
>> > PO Box 252762
>> > West Bloomfield, Michigan 48325
>> > 715-419-0445 (cell)
>> >
>> > http://www.lpocmi.org
>> > Join our Group on Facebook:
>> > http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=65842726699&ref=ts
>> >
>> > "Restore the constitution, join the Libertarian Revolution""
>> WTF??
>> WTF: This is my name, title, mailing address, slogan, etc, typical
>> signature
>> information. Is there something in here that doesn't make sense? Do you
>> simply strongly disagree with libertarianism and as such was[sic]
>> surprised to
>> see it? (I remember once reading on Linuxquestions.org, or maybe it was
>> lewrockwell.com, that ever[sic] member of the Linux community is
>> eitehr[sic] a
>> libertarian or a socialist). The Open Source movement, and the Libertarian
>> Party are both based on a simple thing FREEDOM, as such wouldn't you
>> expect
>> Libertarians to be in the Linux users group?
> Bobby Jim,
> Your signature amounted to one big political ad. We try (not always
> successfully) to keep politics off the MDLUG list. No one here cares
> about your political views (or those of anyone else).
> Michael

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