[mdlug] Accessing the Microsoft Exchange Server via Evolution

Robert Jim Fulner fulner at gmail.com
Thu May 21 14:45:38 EDT 2009

I have tried several times in the past few months, especially lately, to set
up Evolution to check my exchange e-mail from work. I have tried on XP SP3,
Vista Ultimate, and my home PC Xubuntu 8.10.

I have not been successful at all. I'm guess its my error, but it might not
be. On the Linux box, i've entered all the information, to best of my

my address is jim.fulner at parrot.com

I access my Web Account from https://mail.xi-lite.com/exchange

So I have entered that as my OWA URL as well as a few variations suggested
on various Linux Forum sites.

my user name I've tried both as jim.fulner at parrot.com and jim.fulner

on the Windows machine I never get pas the authentication step.

I was wondering if this has anything to do with the fact for the past
several months, at least 6, if I try to check my email via web I get an
error about how the website certificate is out of date, and I need to
authorize an exception and that good businesses should not require you to do
so. Of course, now that I'm typing this, I'm not getting the error on the
web to give you the exact wording, damn Microsoft.

So am I missing something else, is there a major PICNIC error that I missed
(problem in chair not in computer) or is this a communication error with my
exchange server?

Jim Fulner
Chair Libertarian Party of Oakland County
PO Box 252762
West Bloomfield, Michigan 48325
715-419-0445 (cell)

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