[mdlug] IT Legal case, and excellant photo of 1970's hard disk technology

Paul set at pobox.com
Fri Mar 6 00:47:42 EST 2009

Garry Stahl <tesral at wowway.com>, on Thu Mar 05, 2009 [03:25:46 PM] said:
> Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> > <http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/03/court-self-incrimination-privilege-stops-with-passwords.ars>
> >   
> Back in 97 I bought a pair of external SCSI drive boxes that had Fujitsu
> 1 gig drives in them,  5.25" full bay jobs.  Some time later one
> failed.  I cracked it open and that is what it looked like.  The thing
> had 12 platters.  The other one still works.


	Actually; that looks like a drive with a removable disc pack.
You can see the heads have been retracted and the little rollers
compressed the opposing heads to draw away from the platters. The
ones I have seen like this were typically about the size of a washing
machine and the discs were 14" platters. Commonly found in dinosaur

set at pobox.com

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