[mdlug] [Fwd: USSF Wed 7/29 5:30-7pm @ MWRO: Advanced Tech Workshop]

Novak, Louis (L.M.) lnovak1 at ford.com
Tue Jul 28 10:42:56 EDT 2009

Hey Folks,

The United States Social Forum will be held in Detroit next June 22-26
The USSF is a regional element of the World Social Forum movement.

Local organizers are looking for techies to help prepare, setup and
the USSF on-line presence and communications.

You might want to check out their politics before getting involved.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Ict] Wed 7/29 5:30-7pm @ MWRO: Advanced Tech Workshop
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:50:56 -0400
From: Mallory Knodel <mallory at mayfirst.org>
To: ussfdetroitlocal at lists.riseup.net, ict at lists.ussf2010.org


All trainings aim to include interested organizers of all skill  
levels. There is no skill prerequisite! We will be discussing  
rationale and applicability of digital tools for the USSF.

Meet with the Informations and Communication Technology working group  
members to learn more advanced technology skills like website design  
and development with Drupal and contact management software CiviCRM.

The Information Communications Technology working group is organizing  
a workshop to help facilitate effective use of the tools for  
organizing the USSF 2009. Anyone is welcome to attend! Please visit  
ict.ussf2010.org for more information.

Advanced Technology Workshop, Local Organizing Committee

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 5:30 - 7:00 pm @ USSF Offices, Michigan  
Welfare Rights (23 E. Adams, 4th Floor, Detroit, MI)

The curriculum below is subject to change and omissions, but may

  1. Introductions (15 minutes)
        a. USSF, NPC, & LOC
        b. ICT - technology principles
        3. participants: "What are the particular skills you hope to  
gain today?"
  2. Website (persons will form small groups based on available  
computers and expertise)
        a. Overview of big ideas related to software purposes and  
connections (15 minutes)
        b. Revision control system GIT: make sure everyone can get a  
working revision on their computers and know the commands and procedures
        c. Drupal: in what ways do we expect the drupal site to grow  
as June 2010 nears? what are the main skills needed to grow the site?  
(45 minutes)
              Level 0: intro to Drupal (users & permissions)
              Level 1: content types
              Level 2: modules, theming (html & css)
              Level 3: organic groups
        d. CiviCRM: how is it used? what are its possibilities for  
outreach? (45 minutes)
              Level 1: adding, finding, editing contacts
              Level 2: donations, sending mass mail

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Lou Novak lmn at lppals.com 313-623-4709

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