[mdlug] Setting up a home network

Michael newmaniese at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 17:12:47 EST 2009

> I would go with the modem-router-network plan.
> First, set up the wireless router and connect your desktop
> to it.  This will let you set up whatever options you need
> for your local network, such as dhcp and dns settings.  Be
> sure your desktop gets a reserved address.
> Next, get your router to connect to your ISP.  Hopefully
> that will be easy after the first step.
> Set up the router to forward port 22 to your desktop.  This
> may be called "prot forwarding" or it may involve putting
> the desktop in the DMZ.  Connect to another computer on
> the Internet and connect back in to test it.

Perfect, that was unbelievably easy. Thanks for the help.

 First decide if you want the router to be the external firewall (whichit
> probably has built in) or just an access point. For the latter, use a
> separate box as a firewall (I use IPCop on a K6/2-350MHz).  If you want to
> run a public web server then a separate firewall with multiple subnets
> should be used to isolate the web server from the internal network.  If it's
> a private internal web server then just use SSH tunneling to access it
> from the Internet.

It would be cool and ease my paranoid mind to have a computer with Squid and
a Firewall setup between the network and the internets. But, the desktop
computer is the only one in any shape to handle our traffic reliably and I
like playing with it too much to reliably have it between the network and
the internet. (My wife will yell at me when I mess things up :) ). So the
router will have to do for now. Thanks for your help. I was able to get into
my computer from outside and I am giddy about that.

> > A.) A simple home network where each computer has its own name and can be
> > accessed via that name. I can bring my Apple Laptop home from work and
> ssh
> > into mnewman-desktop/access media files on it
> You need a hostname set on each system (they probably already have
> them) and a DNS server.

Ok I have bind installed on my desktop machine and have things set up. When
I run `host -l newman.lan` locally though it throws an error:
;Transfer failed
Host newman.lan.hsdl.mi.comcast.net not found: 9(NOTAUTH)
:Transfer failed

I know I am making a stupid mistake and I can't figure it out. Here are my
configuration files if anyone has the time: http://dpaste.com/112594/

The other thing that I know is going to cause a problem is the DHCP on the
wireless network. I don't think I can have people come and go and add the
settings if it wasn't dhcp, but that would obviously make it difficult to
name computers on the network.

Thanks again for your help. I actually got somewhere today, which is more
than I can say about several weekends worth of tinkering.

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