[mdlug] KDE 4

Wolfger wolfger at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 14:01:40 EST 2009

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Michael S. Mikowski
<z_mikowski at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Some would are masochistic if you install Gentoo in the first place :)

s/would are/would say you are/ ;-)

> Although I do see the value in going through the install process.

I learned a lot about Linux by installing Gentoo. For starters,
compiling a kernel scared the hell out of me before Gentoo. The
install walked me through that, and after a few kernel upgrades I
began to see it as so simple that I couldn't understand why people are
afraid of it...

The best reason to install Gentoo, though, is to never ever have to
install Linux again :-)


The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.

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