[mdlug] past meetings at Coney Islands

Carl T. Miller carl at carltm.com
Thu Oct 23 06:06:30 EDT 2008

mdlug at wowway.com wrote:
> So how does it work at a Coney Island with the pop and snacks?   As I
> recall,
> most people just got a soda from the Coney Island.   Maybe a few people
> got
> something to eat.   Would the group bring in their own food and drink to
> sell
> to members at a Coney Island?    Or are those considered unacceptable
> places
> to meet for that very reason?

Most restaurants do not allow people to bring in their own
food and drink.  The notable exception is when a restaurant
does not have a liquor license and they let you know that
it's okay to bring your own wine.

For group meetings, it just depends on the policy of the
particular restaurant.  Some rent rooms.  Some let you use
the room free if every participant buys something.  Some let
you use the room with no stipulations.  I don't know the details
for the Coney Island we used to meet at, but I suspect they
expected every attendee to purchase at least a beverage.

My understanding is that a restaurant is a perfectly
acceptable place for LUGs to meet.  If we decide to do
this, we would also have to figure out a way to raise
funds, since we couldn't sell snacks at the meetings.


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