[mdlug] past meetings at Coney Islands

Michael Corral micorral at comcast.net
Thu Oct 23 00:14:09 EDT 2008

2008-10-22, Monsieur mdlug at wowway.com a ecrit:
> So how does it work at a Coney Island with the pop and snacks?   As I recall,
> most people just got a soda from the Coney Island.   Maybe a few people got
> something to eat.   Would the group bring in their own food and drink to sell
> to members at a Coney Island?    Or are those considered unacceptable places
> to meet for that very reason?

I seem to recall more people getting food than just something to drink
when MDLUG met at Kerby's Coney Island many years ago. We didn't sell
anything at those meetings. I wish we'd do that again, those were some
of the best meetings.


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