[mdlug] [WLUG] SuSE root breakin help needed

Joe Landman landman at scalableinformatics.com
Mon May 26 12:38:37 EDT 2008

Jay Nugent wrote:

>    Can't seem to get the hard drive mounted after trying all sorts of
> permutations of fstab.  I don't know the exact partitioning of the hard
> drive but *seem* to recall it was basically three partitions, /, /home,
> and swap, and that it is a SATA drive.  But I can't recall whether it had

	parted /dev/sda print

should tell you most of what you need to know.  Then once you see the 
layout, you can create temporary mount points

	mkdir /mnt/t1 /mnt/t2 /mnt/t3


	mount  /dev/sda1 /mnt/t1


If you need LVM, you may see a mount failure, or a partition type 

> LVM turned on or not, and I have NO idea how to deal with LVM *if* it was
> turned on.

LVM can be fun.  We avoid it for most things, as recovery is, well, a 
challenge, in the event things go pear shaped.

>    I can't keep trying different config lines in /etc/fstab endlessly and
> blindly.  Anyone have some suggestions how best to procede??
>    Thanks!
>       --- Jay 
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> said:    "Would you like fries with that emergency communication?"
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Joseph Landman, Ph.D
Founder and CEO
Scalable Informatics LLC,
email: landman at scalableinformatics.com
web  : http://www.scalableinformatics.com
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fax  : +1 866 888 3112
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