[mdlug] Mount point

Aaron Kulkis akulkis03 at gmail.com
Wed May 7 14:38:01 EDT 2008

Garry Stahl wrote:
> What is the best mount point for a USB drive to be used on multiple
> machines?  Permissions as well.  It needs to be accessible to all users.

Normally, I give a USB drive a meaningful label (using fdisk or 
whatever), and then use use mount-by-label.

MOUNT POINTS:"start with 777 then manipulate permissions to taste
just like you would any other directory tree.

You might want to try mode 1777 (sticky bit on... everyone can read
and write to a directory, but nobody can remove any file or directory
which doesn't match their UID or GID.

Here are some examples of mount-by-label:
akulkis at kulkis:~> cat /etc/fstab

LABEL=10_3_64_ROOT  /   ext3    acl,user_xattr    1 1
LABEL=_BOOT   /boot     ext3    acl,user_xattr    1 2
LABEL=_HOME   /home     xfs     defaults          1 2
LABEL=_LOCAL  /local    xfs     defaults          1 2
LABEL=_TMP    /tmp      xfs     defaults          1 2
LABEL=_USR    /usr      xfs     defaults          1 2
LABEL=_VAR    /var      xfs     defaults          1 2

You can use labels for swapspace, too:

LABEL=SWAP     swap     swap    pri=00            0 0
LABEL=EMERSWAP swap     swap    defaults          0 0

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