[mdlug] BarCamp Grand Rapids 3

Casey DuBois casey at grlug.org
Tue Jul 15 10:30:04 EDT 2008

BarCamp brings together Michigan's technology leaders

BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to
share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with
discussions, demos, and interaction from attendees, usually centered
around technology topics.

BarCamp Grand Rapids, inspired by the Silicon Valley event that rocked
the emerging technology world with its audacity and success, will take
place on August 15-16 at Calvin College.

The original Palo Alto BarCamp was born out of frustration with the
stifling atmosphere of most conferences. In a bold move, the founders
decided to hold an "unconference" and let the attendees decide the
schedule and topics to be presented. The organizers provided only a
venue, a blank schedule board, and some overhead projectors: attendees
were responsible for creating all the content, giving all the
presentations, and having all the fun. The experiment was a resounding
success, and BarCamps in Toronto, Amsterdam, and New York City soon
followed. BarCamp Grand Rapids continues this proud tradition, for the
third year running.

Calvin College is generously donating classroom space, including a
space for a "campout" Friday night. Gordon Food Service, Subway, and
Biggby Coffee will be providing food for the event, and SageTech will
be hosting a get-together after the Friday night sessions. Elevator Up
has also pitched in to help keep to conference free for all attendees.

For the latest information and registration, see http://barcampgr.org

See you there,
casey at grlug.org

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