[mdlug] Need help with bash array usage

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 19:26:44 EDT 2008

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 2:05 AM, Robert Meier <list1c30fe42 at bellsouth.net> wrote:
> The solution is to treat double quotes as the normal way to insert a
> variable's contents into the command stream.
>        # quotes redundant but good habit for all reads
> bash> matching_files="$(find "arraytest" -type f -iname '*.txt' \
>      -exec grep -l "MATCH" "{}" \; )"
> bash> x=0
> bash> echo "$matching_files" | while read f # quote read, but not assignment
> bash> do
> bash>   echo "$x: $f"                       # quote string read
> bash>   ((x++))                             # but not numeric read
> bash> done

Helpful tips but doesn't really solve my problem.  Like Brian's
suggestion I could rewrite the script and do everything within a
while/read loop but can't assign the output to an array to use outside
the loop.  If I assign it without a subscript it succeeds but
everything ends up in one element.  If I try to use a subscript with
the assignment to assign the value to a specific element I get a
"cannon assign list to array member" error.

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