[mdlug] January 12 -MDLUG elections

Raymond McLaughlin driveray at ameritech.net
Thu Jan 3 13:12:27 EST 2008

Garry Stahl wrote:
> Do we have a demo?

According to our bylaws: <http://mdlug.org/bylaws.html>, we are required
to elect officers <http://mdlug.org/bylaws.html#OFFICERS> at an annual
meeting. <http://mdlug.org/bylaws.html#ELECTIONS>

In accordance with the nominations provisions
I here by nominate:
 Vice President Pat Baker for another term as VP;
 Secretary Gibson Nichols for another term in that office;
and Treasurer Carl Miller again for Treasurer.

In addition I heartily recommend former treasurer(?) Mary Tomich for any
office she feels up to taking on. At last month's meeting she indicated
that she thought she ought to get more involved.

Oddly, while the bylaws preclude anyone from seconding their own
nomination, nothing prevents anyone from nominating themselves. So
anyone/everyone feel free to volunteer by nominating yourself.

Maybe we can get a crew in that doesn't wait till the last minute to
make announcements such as this. :)

Raymond McLaughlin
President MDLUG

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