[mdlug] Flyer

Dave Arbogast mdlug3 at arb.net
Thu Feb 21 13:27:50 EST 2008

Aaron Kulkis wrote:

>Garry Stahl wrote:
>>Jeff Hanson wrote:
>>>Seriously though, maybe penguin-free?  Overuse of Tux is starting to
>>>make Linux users look like a cult.
>>I haven't decided on graphical elements as of yet.  I am looking for
>>content right now.
>>Three elements outside of the graphical, which I will used to dress up
>>and fill.
>>1:  The Hook:  A large statement to get attention.  So far suggested is
>>"Tired of Vista Yet?"
>Are you:
>* TIRED of the endless forced upgrade cycle because your
>current computer can't run new software?
>* TIRED of buying faster and more powerful computers
>every 3 years but getting slower and slower performance?
>* TIRED of "security software" that still leaves you afraid?
>* TIRED of buying software from a company whose only real
>concern is how much money they can extort out of yours?
You hit the nail on the head. I love the deer in the headlights look I 
get every time some Windows user complains about how their machine gets 
slower and slower. The look comes when I explain it is just as fast as 
when they bought it - faster than they can read or type, and their 
software is the same version as 3 years before, so the only thing 
changed is the 130,000 plus malwares their AV must scan for on every I/O 
operation - that it was maybe 80,000 when they bought it, and who knows 
how many in 3 more years...   The look is priceless. Then, I usually 
explain if they remove AV it will suddenly be faster than when they 
bought it, but they can't connect to any network or share any files with 
anyone because it will be minutes before they are infected on the 
internet without AV.

Too bad they don't see the light.

Hey, maybe that should be the marketing campaign for Linux !  "Don't 
dump your 3 year old PC because it has gotten slow, install Linux and 
get faster secure performance in excess of that you had when it was new."


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