[mdlug] Flyer

merc escalated at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 17:43:28 EST 2008

I think focusing on open source/free software would be cool, everyone
loves free stuff.

Problem is, sometimes free stuff is equated with lower quality...maybe
something about being good/great/better/equal to closed source stuff.

Also, if there's any popular stuff out there that uses open
source/free software that our target audience might be familiar with
it would be good to mention.

I guess all of the above fits into the blurb part, the payoff should
be website/meeting time I guess.

I have no idea for a hook.

Also, I think tux or any other distro specific graphics should be left out.

My two cents. (also note that I am incapable of forming a complete
paragraph, only short sentences).

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