[mdlug] Serial port monitoring

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Sun Feb 3 20:32:34 EST 2008

Drew wrote:
> At 01:34 PM 2/3/08, Joseph C. Bender wrote:
>> Well, now that you've defined the problem domain, this 
>> might easier to
>> solve than you might think.
>> Take a look at the pppd manpage, and the "SCRIPTS" section.
>> There's a environment variable called "CONNECT_TIME",
 >> which, per the manpage is defined as:
>> "The number of seconds from when the PPP negotiation
 >> started until the connection was terminated."
>      Problem is, the ppp is being handled in the Windows
 > virtual machine, and thus is not likely to be visible to
 > the Linux host. All the host is likely to know is that
 > the serial port is being used by VMware, and maybe if
 > I'm lucky whether or not the modem is talking over the
 > phone. (There had for a while been no version of NZ for
 > Linux; and I think one might still be lacking.)

GEEZE...spend another $2 per month and get 24x7 DSL.

Some problems just are NOT worth solving, because there's
another method that's in a completely different class.

>      Now this doesn't mean I can't use the idea. But I
 > will have to successfully install the software to run
 > via Wine, and get a handle on keeping a tarball of the
 > known good state around to restore periodically, and
 > also denying access to the rest of the system to all
 > the netzero stuff...Maybe NZ via Wine in a Kanotix VM?

Or you could just stop with this stupid dial-up stuff
and be done with this non-problem.

>      I'd still like to see what can be done with simple
 > serial port monitoring first.
> ----

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