[mdlug] home hosting

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Wed Apr 9 00:03:37 EDT 2008

Dave wrote:
> Joseph C. Bender wrote:
>> Michael wrote:
>>> How does this work? I just read my Comcast agreement, which explicitly
>>> denies my ability to do this. Please help me get more things to tack on to
>>> my lawsuit for when I have more money and time to take down evil
>>> corporations.
>> 	That would be a rather silly lawsuit.
>> 	It's part of the terms of service that you implicitly agreed to when 
>> you signed up for the service.  It's effectively a private agreement 
>> between your service provider and yourself.  Unless it's violating a 
>> state or federal law, you're really not going to have much leverage here.
>> 	If you don't want Internet service with such restrictions, there are 
>> many providers out there that will gladly sell you a variety of services 
>> that are fairly unrestricted.  It's just that none of them will cost you 
>> $49-59 per month.
> Agreed... but if you want some action or satisfaction, a complaint to 
> the MPSC would help since Comcast wants to be the new "AT&T"...

I doubt they would provide a sympathetic ear, let alone
regulatory action.  The cost of providing higher service
tiers at residential rates is to raise the price of
residential rates.  Standard principle of trade-offs
which are the basis of both engineering and economics.

And I seriously doubt that the MPSC would be in favor of that.

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