[mdlug] [Fwd: [opensuse] World-largest Linux Migration Project]

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Fri Apr 4 02:01:29 EDT 2008

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [opensuse] World-largest Linux Migration Project
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 21:21:40 +0300
From: Andrei Verovski (aka MacGuru) <andreil1 at starlett.lv>
To: opensuse at opensuse.org

Hi !

According to the reliable sources, press releases and media coverage
largest Linux migration (several millions of PCs and servers currently
running Windows XP/Vista and MS Servers) ever is about to start.

The first news come from national-wide Russian Post service
company) which signed an agreement with Red Hat and IBM to switch
platform to Red Hat Linux and Open Referent.

For more detailed information, see links below (in Russian):


However, this only the beginning. Industry sources suggest that
majority or
state-owned companies and institutions are on the track of the same
path. Most notably this list includes:

Gazprom - world largest gas mining company (329 billions USD
value, 600,000 employees) - contract with Novell, IBM and Oracle
will be
signed within 3 months
Rosneft - one of the world largest oil mining companies (79 billions
capitalization value) - contract with Novell, IBM and Oracle will be
within 3 - 6 months
Transneft - one of the world largest oil pipe companies (over 50,000
km of oil
pipes) - exact date unknown, but no later then 4Q of 2008 or 1Q of 2009
Sberbank - largest bank in Russian Federation (over 800 branches) -
Red Hat,
Oracle and IBM are planning to outline all details within 6
like Sberbank will run Oracle databases on IBM System z10 servers
and Red Hat
OAK (Objedinennaja Aviastroitelneja Korpracija - translated from
Russian as
United Aviation Manufacturing Corporation) - one of the world largest
aviation design and manufacturing companies - migration planned
within 2
years, further information not available yet. They currently develop so
called FCP OS (Future Combat Platform) which is based on embedded
Linux with
real-time patches and rich clustering capabilities..
Additionally, Linux kernel will run on new-generation MCST-R
(formely Elbrus
E2k) processors, based on revolutionary VLIW implementation.
A very brief into to VLIW you can find here:

Need to say this is only a handful of companies (out of hundreds)
which will
join Linux user club within very short time.

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