[mdlug] Memory modules

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Tue Nov 27 05:30:56 EST 2007

Drew wrote:
>      I am considering bringing the main brain up to or over a Gig of 
> memory. There are two
> slots, each currently containing a 256M module. The motherboard book 
> specification for
> memory reads as follows:
> DRAM Access Time: 2.5V Unbuffered DDR200/266 MHz Type required.
> DRAM Type: 64MB/128MB/256MB/512MB/1GB DIMM Module (184 pin)
>      Now I am currently beginning to see near acceptable prices for 
> desktop 1GB modules
> in the ads of Best Buy, Office Max, etc. However, how shall I know 
> whether the module
> will even fit into the slot let alone function without the computer 
> going wonky because
> of incompatibility? Will any modern module work? Or is my motherboard 
> now hopelessly
> out of date? (I got it near the end of '03.)
The DDR200/266 stat.  That tells you the type of memory.  Notch and pin
locations vary.  Fer example if I buy DDR2100 I know it fits Gate.  Mind
you Gate's RAM buying days are over.  All filled and bigger will not matter.

However, I have a par of boxes that would benefit from more RAM stuffed
in same.  Faux and Maestro  could use more each. Both are at 512m and
have lots of room.  One is running XP, and we know how winblows is about

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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