[mdlug] Remotely Use Linux

Robert Meier eaglecoach at wwnet.com
Sun Nov 25 23:47:40 EST 2007

Kristoffer, Ray,

> > It's basically an easy to set up VNC, with a lot of options for 
> > compression and whatnot. Just read the documentation ...
> There's also "ssh -X". When you connect, ssh will set up X forwarding
> and encrypt the traffic. You can fire up commands (e.g. "xterm &") and
> they'll run on the remote machine and show up on the local one.

ssh -X also sets up a new X-server (default :10.0).

> > I just wish that it wouldn't create a new X server session.
> > I'd like to use the current running session,
> > but I haven't seen anything like that for linux.

The ability for remote (including VNC) executables to access an X
server has been part of X since its inception in the 1980s.

If you wish to use the same X-server,
you simply need to inform the executables to address the same X-server.
This is usually done with the --display option or environment variable
The address is "<host-or-ip>:<server-no>.<screen-no>" .
Note that you will have to open up the appropriate firewall channels
on BOTH hosts.  Typically this is ports 6000-6030(?).
Use "bash> xhost +<host-as-reported-to-X-server>" to authorize access
to the server.
You may need to copy appropriate ~/.Xauthority cookie to the remote host.

See X(7) for further details.

Hopefully helpful,
Robert Meier

  "He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
   oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
   will reach to himself."
	--Thomas Paine

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