[mdlug] A big opportunity for Linux?

Carl T. Miller millerc at cantonpl.org
Tue Nov 20 14:00:01 EST 2007

Raymond McLaughlin wrote:
> Carl T. Miller wrote:
>> Is it worth the extra requirements to set up a virtual environment,
>> create a virtual machine, install an entire OS, and then run a single
>> app inside a window inside the virtual machine?
> I take this as a rhetorical question. I suppose the entertainment value
> of making it work doesn't count in most cases.

Yes, although I generally believe that simplicity is good, and
an app with a tunnel is simpler than an app with a tunnel in
an OS in a virtual machine.

And, yes, the entertainment value counts for bonus points!

>>  The good ones aren't cheap, which is why
>> I like the putty/vnc connection at the price of getting a full desktop.
> Which brings us full circle. VMware Player/server are free to use and so
> is Damn Small Linux.

Exactly!  We both agree there's a merry-go-round that's gone
haywire.  VNCserver with putty and VMware player, DSL and X
are both viable options to get off the merry-go-round without
spending much money.

>> Of course, it would be possible to customize such a desktop so that
>> only one application runs and the connection is dropped when the app-
>> lication closes, but I haven't had the need to set up such a desktop.
> Right. Of course It only needs to be setup once, then the VMs could be
> distributed freely.
> Hmmm. Sounds like an interesting project....

Definitely.  It would be worth doing if only for the entertainment
value.  And I know that VMware would add it to their website that
has the pre-built vmware guests.


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