[mdlug] Penguicon: liaisons wanted

Wolfger wolfger at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 05:13:55 EST 2007

On Nov 19, 2007 11:07 PM, Michael Corral <micorral at comcast.net> wrote:

> > The liaison
> > is also supposed to make sure that their GoH gets three meals a day
> > (or two and a snack or however they eat. Make sure they have a
> > substantial enough caloric intake to not pass out.)
> Hmm, if these guys are the usual Linux fatsos then keeping their
> expansive bellies full could cost quite a bit. :)

Uh.... Nothing particularly flabby about either of these gents. Also,
you aren't expected to *pay* for their food. Just make like a Polish
grandma and say "Eat! Eat!" :-D
There will be free food in the con suite. I would argue that the free
beer and free pop also count as calories. ;-)

> Why is this sounding more and more like an escort service?... :)

I think it's just where your mind is at. It sounded to me an awful lot
like babysitting. But you can be their "beck and call girl" if you
like ;-)

AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Ekiga: wolfger

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