[mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32bit advantages speedetc.]

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Thu Nov 1 08:26:49 EDT 2007

> From: Adam Tauno Williams

> Ah, the rush to conspiracy.  Perhaps (a) it is a bug, or (b) a
> disagreement over the spec, or (c) they've encountered SSE/SSE2/SSE3
> implementations that don't work as reported so they err on the side of
> paranoia

 ...except Intel's never claimed (c), nor has anyone found any examples
of (c). As to (a), it appears the first iteration *was* a bug - programs
would *crash* on AMD chips instead of just running slower. The patches
produced by the third party show that (b) doesn't apply - altering the
compiler to remove just the "GenuineIntel" check does not impact anything
else, and "GenuineIntel" is *not* part of the SSE spec.

> And if it is (a) or (b) it may take a v-e-r-y long time to resolve;
> understandably so.

 Read the web page. The fixes are so simple they are in Perl scripts.


 Ray Ingles                                            (313) 227-2317

 Novice electrician:
   Why should I waste time and money getting the right color wire?
   The electricity doesn't care.
 Experienced electrician:
   Electricity is color-blind.  Electricians are not.
                         -- unknown

 Novice programmer:
   Why should I waste time commenting code? The computer doesn't care.
 Experienced programmer:
   The computer is comment-blind.  Programmers are not.
                -- Dr. Robert J. Meier 1980
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