[mdlug] MonroeLUG May Meeting Announcement

Ron Blanchett rrcb21 at yahoo.com
Tue May 29 21:32:34 EDT 2007

I made a stupid mistake and forgot to double and triple check the day
that our meeting was scheduled for. I mistakenly just figured that our
new meeting location had scheduled our meeting for the Last Tuesday
of every month. This was not the case, they have scheduled us for the
Forth Tuesday of every month. So my bad and sorry to everyone for not
double and triple checking before I sent the meeting announcement and
before earlier this afternoon. Sorry also for anyone that made the trip before
they seen Dan cancellation/rescheduling announcement.

Next month I will make sure I triple check before I send the announcement.


----- Original Message ----
From: Dan DeSloover <zifferent at yahoo.com>
To: talug at talug.org; Ron Blanchett <muteid10t at gmail.com>
Cc: Monroe LUG <mc-lug at monroelug.org>; MetroDetroit LUG <mdlug at mdlug.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 4:40:42 PM
Subject: Re: TALUG: MonroeLUG May Meeting Announcement [CHANGE!]

Unfortunately, there was mix-up with the rooms this month (because of 
the holiday) and also because Ron got pulled away at the last minute for 
a work related emergency, I'm making an executive decision and putting 
off this meeting and it's topic till next months regularly scheduled 
meeting (last Tuesday of the month.)

I apologize in advance if anyone was planning on coming.

Ron Blanchett wrote:
> <-------- TALUG Info: http://www.talug.org -------->
> =====MonroeLUG May Meeting Announcement=====
> Topic: Sed, Grep, Awk, & RegEx
> Date & Time: Tuesday May 29, 2007 6:00PM - 9:00PM
> Place: Monroe County Community College La-Z-Boy Center Room Z-259 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=1555+S.Raisinville+Rd.+monroe+mi+48161
> Dan DeSloover has graciously volunteered to give the presentation this month.
> He plans to present on Sed, Grep, RegEx, & possibly Awk three of the most powerful
> command line tools available to every version of Linux and just about every
> version of Unix. He will also cover how RegEx can be used with these three
> tools to make them that much more powerful.
> If anyone would like to volunteer to give a presentation at an upcoming meeting
> please get in contact with me ASAP.
> Keep in mind that from month to month our meeting room may change so always
> make sure to look at the announcement for what room we are going to be in. I have
> been assured that all of the rooms have projectors, and a wireless network is available.
> I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting on Tuesday, for the mean time have a
> save and happy week.
> -Ron
> MonroeLUG President
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