[mdlug] Turner on O'Reilly.net: Looks like Microsoft is ramping up for Son of SCO

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Wed May 16 13:39:03 EDT 2007

> From: Robert Meier

> > ... Would IBM risk a long, bitter fight with Microsoft,
> > just to defend Linux, when they could just reach some
> > kind of agreement like the MS/Novell deal?
> I find this tactic frightening, because IBM and others might
> indeed find it easier to start collecting the "Microsoft tax
> by another name" from linux users.

 I don't see any sign of Microsoft going after IBM on this at the
moment. As I said, I don't foresee Microsoft actually taking action
on this for a long time to come. When - if - MS actually threatens IBM
with legal action, *then* we can worry. Until then, I don't see IBM
making any changes in course.


 Ray Ingles                                               (313) 227-2317

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