[mdlug] Cassette tape to Music CD

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Mon May 14 02:01:50 EDT 2007

On 5/8/07, R Kannan <rkannan at peoplepc.com> wrote:
>  I have a question along similar lines. How can I convert my old VHS tapes
> to DVDs? The latest Consumer Reports issue has a few external video 'card
> kits' that connect to usb ports such as 'Pinnacle DVD Maker Plus', ADS DVD
> Express DX2, Haupage Win TV PVR-USB 2.0 and Nero Ultra edition. Do any of
> these work with Linux? if they do which is a good video application, that
> can be used with them?

I have a Plextor ConvertX USB box.  It has Linux drivers.  It is also
almost useless for anything other than MythTV.  The problem with all
USB-connected devices is that they can only output compressed video
and almost all Linux video apps only support uncompressed.  You are
better off getting a card.  I bought a cheap one but haven't tried it

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