[mdlug] Dual Core with Hyper Threading

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Tue May 8 14:50:00 EDT 2007

David Lane wrote:
> */Aaron Kulkis <akulkis3 at hotpop.com>/* wrote:
>     David Lane wrote:
>      > Looking in the PC stores I see a huge drop in cpu prices and the
>     New Duo
>      > has Hyper threading so the operating systems "See" 4 CPU's. the last
>      > time I checked some Linux Distro's only allow 2.
>      >
>     Uh... the Linux SMP kernel is good for at least 16-way
>     multi-processing...
>     In fact, I believe it will handle 32 CPUs.
>      > What do you guys think.
>      >
>     About what?
>     The are features about the systems that Linux rides on top of the is
>     never taken advantage of at times. With the high power CPU's coming
>     down in price we are going to see more systems with these
>     ulta-powerful CPU's in Linux configurations.

and... so??

compared to the 386 systems that Linux was originally developed on,
my LAPTOP is a supercomputer... and compared to the ancient PDP-8's
that the original Unix system was written on, even a 1 MHz, 1 MB,
32-bit VAX was a super computer.

But fortunately, the Unix model (of which Linux is an implementation)
is fully able to grow with improved hardware with little notice for
the user... or even admins for that matter.

>     Like some one said that is a generic load to linux, many of use will
>     have to twick our systems to get the most out of them.

I think you're making mountains out of molehills.

>     the question is how do we get there?

Distributors compile for 64-bit CPUS.
You install it.
It's done.

Most of the hardware drivers have been 64-bit ready for YEARS
because Linux has been installed on 64-bit cpus FOR YEARS ALREADY.

What's the difficulty?

>     David

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