[mdlug] Dual Core with Hyper Threading

David Lane dcl400m at yahoo.com
Tue May 8 13:24:22 EDT 2007

I had a conversation With SUSE Last year, they May have changed.

"Ingles, Raymond" <Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com> wrote:
> From: David Lane

> Looking in the PC stores I see a huge drop in cpu prices and the New
> Duo has Hyper threading so the operating systems "See" 4 CPU's. the
> last time I checked some Linux Distro's only allow 2.

I thought most of the commercial distros (Red Hat, SUSE) had abandoned
per-CPU licensing and were allowing as many as you could stuff in? I also
thought that hyperthreading was not counted as a 'licensed' CPU and only
physical CPUs counted, even when they were doing per-CPU stuff?

That seems borne out by this:


The non-commercial distros (e.g. OpenSUSE, Ubuntu) won't have any arbitrary
CPU limits.


Ray Ingles (313) 227-2317

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