[mdlug] Script Writing: email notification

Craig Maloney craig at decafbad.net
Wed Mar 28 13:05:19 EDT 2007

Robert Adkins wrote:
> Hey All,
>     Is there a way to have a script generate an email?

What scripting language, and what environment? Under UNIX / Linux there's
several options:

1) Call mail or mutt directly.
2) Use Perl to send a mail using "sendmail -t".
3) Use a Perl module Mail::Sendmail to send mail.

Depending on what you're looking to do, any one of these will work.

Hope this helps!

  Craig Maloney  (craig at decafbad.net)        http://decafbad.net
    Work Hard.  Rock Hard.  Eat Hard.  Sleep Hard.  Grow Big.
    Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em.  -- The Webb Wilder Credo

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