[mdlug] Vista DRM hurts Linux?

Craig Maloney craig at decafbad.net
Tue Mar 27 10:29:12 EDT 2007

Ingles, Raymond wrote:

>  We'll see if the DRM regime envisioned for Vista can be enforced.
> Imagine the reaction from Microsoft customers that their hardware
> is suddenly 'de-supported' even though they personally did nothing
> wrong...

We've already seen this. People who change up their hardware have had
issues with WGA and Windows XP. People are remarkably adaptable to adverse
changes. It's only when someone stands up and says "this is not right"
that people start realizing they don't have to go through these gyrations
to make things work.

Interesting? Yes. Polarizing? Probably not.

  Craig Maloney  (craig at decafbad.net)        http://decafbad.net
    Work Hard.  Rock Hard.  Eat Hard.  Sleep Hard.  Grow Big.
    Wear Glasses If You Need 'Em.  -- The Webb Wilder Credo

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