[mdlug] Vinyl to digital

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Tue Mar 20 15:04:46 EDT 2007

> From: Michael Corral

> > the time. But there's a big installed base out there (e.g. iPods)
> > that don't.
> Oh no, are you one of the pod people? Say it ain't vrai, Ray!

 Hardly. Nah, I'm a Palm guy, and the Treos do mp3. Well, with some apps
they can do a lot more, but those apps are more suited to interactive use
than one-hand, side-button operation. Ah, well.


 Ray Ingles                               (313) 227-2317

      "I never said, 'Thou shalt not think.'" - God
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