[mdlug] Surface computing...

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 14:16:55 EDT 2007

On 6/26/07, ebradley01 at wowway.com <ebradley01 at wowway.com> wrote:
> The following video clip (link below) portrays a technology that is being
> developed (though not necessarily discovered/pioneered) by Microsoft.  I just
> wanted to give everyone fair warning before posting a link that showcases
> 'They Who Must Not Be Named' in a good light.  ;)

Its pretty but not really innovative.  The primary advancement I see
is the multiple pointer support.  Currently with Windows and X,
simultaneous input from multiple pointing devices is aggregated.  They
need to be handled separately and the window manager needs to be able
to respond differently when they are used together on the same window.
 These are probably filed under secret patents 236 and 237.

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