[mdlug] Surface computing...

Robert Adkins radkins at impelind.com
Tue Jun 26 13:59:52 EDT 2007

ebradley01 at wowway.com said the following on 6/26/2007 12:07 PM:
> A caveat before we begin:
> The following video clip (link below) portrays a technology that is being
> developed (though not necessarily discovered/pioneered) by Microsoft.  I just
> wanted to give everyone fair warning before posting a link that showcases
> 'They Who Must Not Be Named' in a good light.  ;)
> Since we are all self-proclaimed 'geeks' and/or lovers of technology, I
> thought this worth sharing...it looks wicked-awesome.  :D
> http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid932579976?bclid=932553050
> evan

    I've seen it, it is a nice gimmick.

    Honestly, that's how I see it staying. Like those "email 
appliances". Sure, some people still use them, but they are few and far 

    I would elaborate, I just have other things to do right now.

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