[mdlug] are we dead yet?

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Wed Jul 25 11:59:38 EDT 2007

Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>  So far as I can see, every operating system runs into situations that
> require a 'guru'. My parents are running Ubuntu pretty happily, and while
> I have to do their tech support... well, I was doing that with Windows,
> too, and now I don't have to fret so much about malware. My wife got me a
> t-shirt for my birthday that says "No, I will not fix your computer."
> because of all the 'tech support' requests I get from family and friends.
> Of course, the vast majority of those were Windows. I'll still do Linux
> support, but Windows-using people are SOL unless they are immediate family
> members. I just don't have time for the rest.

I want one with a busted Windows logo that says "I don't do windows."

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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