[mdlug] are we dead yet?

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Tue Jul 24 19:00:50 EDT 2007

Michael Corral wrote:
> 2007-07-24, Monsieur Garry Stahl a ecrit:
>> Michael Corral wrote:
>>> Distro-specific web forums and just overall ease of installation/use
>>> of modern Linux systems killed the LUG, quite some time ago.
>>> May it rest in peace.
>> "I'm not dead yet!"
> .oO(how do I break the news to Garry?...)

"I'm getting better."

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
Star Trek mort. Viva la Star Trek admiraetur
The Olde Phoenix Inn Http://phoenixinn.iwarp.com

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