[mdlug] CAD vs CAE (for linux)

Morris, Tim tmorris at ugs.com
Mon Jul 9 09:26:16 EDT 2007


NX4 appears to be supported on Linux. 

Honestly, I work for UGS/Siemens, the company that rights NX and I don't
remember seeing a linux CD set come through her.
SGI/Sun/HPUX/AIX/Windose (and I think they are even considering a port
to MacOS)... 

I have seen Linux64 updates on our FTP servers, but I haven't seen any
actual CD/DVDs.


--  Tim Morris - UGS PLM Software

-----Original Message-----
From: mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org [mailto:mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org] On Behalf
Of dean
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2007 8:50 AM
To: MDLUG's Main discussion list
Subject: [mdlug] CAD vs CAE (for linux)

Hello, I was wondering if anyone can shed any light on this question:  
Why does it seem like most if not all of the major CAE vendors have
converted their apps to linux but the CAD vendors have not?

At my current job, my boss likes linux and we use it wherever we can, 
along with legacy unix.   He would like to roll out CAD linux boxes, but

neither UG nor Catia are available for linux.  

Does it have to do with 3d graphics?   Hypermesh, Ansa, and Star CD all 
use graphics, and they all exist for linux.   We use them on linux.    
And abaqus, I think.   

Is it politics and/or M$ money?     

TIA, &, Scratching my head, Dean

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