[mdlug] [Fwd: Re: bios battery]

Mike lists at addictz.org
Thu Jan 18 14:17:06 EST 2007

Morris, Tim wrote:
> I have had M-Tech (dead & gone), Asus, PCChips, Tyan, Intel, ASRock,
> Biostar, MSI & ECS.
> Asus, PCChips, Tyan, Intel: All rock solid.
> ASRock: No problems yet, only a few months old
> Biostar: Crapped out after 3 months
> MSI: after a year
> ECS: It's still running my Celery 1.3 with modified fan, but I have had
> the USB ports stop working for weeks, then mysteriously start again (go
> figure), and there was no AGP slot (my fault). I'm not really sure if I
> would recommend them or not. I don't think I will buy another.
> --  Tim Morris - UGS
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org [mailto:mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org] On Behalf
> Of Michael Corral
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:43 AM
> To: MDLUG's Main discussion list
> Subject: Re: [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: bios battery]
> 2007-01-17, Monsieur Garry Stahl a ecrit:
>> I'm calling Mum a total loss and getting a new one.  Buy a cheap mobo,
>> get what you pay for.
>> Mum -- RIP
> Sounds like your nonAmiga experiences have not been optimal. :) I've had
> good luck with Tyan mobos, FWIW.
> Michael

Once again, I maybe dating myself here, but PC-Chips used to be one of the
cheapest motherboards you could buy, has their quality increased any?

If there is one component of a computer, when I'm building a computer for
myself, that I do not skimp on is the motherboard.  I think with mobos,
the addage stands true, "you get what you pay for."

There actually have been an increase in the number of mobos on my
"quality" list.

Quality: Abit, Asus, MSI [new on the list], Tyan [I usually only see
Tyan's as server mobo's, I don't think they would make a good "home
computer" mobo].

Middle-of-line: DFI [used to be on the no-buy list for me], Epox [used to
be a quality board].

Never buy: Biostar, PC-Chips, ECS, any other company I've never heard of.

This is my list that I came up with off the top of my head, I may have
omitted some.


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