[mdlug] [Fwd: Re: bios battery]

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Wed Jan 17 17:57:14 EST 2007

I'm giving up on the board.  Showing it to my son I noticed several caps
also have tops domed upward.  What ever did this board in did it in
totally.  I'm calling Mum a total loss and getting a new one.  Buy a
cheap mobo, get what you pay for.

Mum -- RIP

Well hippy hop to the computer shop to see what I can get in the used
market.  Anything in the one gig plus category will run what I need just
fine.  I hardly need the latest 3 gig dual core 64 bit monster to play a
few tunes.  Get used computer, strip from case rebuild as my tunes machine.

I am an end user.  :)

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes
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The Olde Phoenix Inn Http://phoenixinn.iwarp.com

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