[mdlug] An Idea inspired by....

Mike lists at addictz.org
Tue Jan 9 13:49:55 EST 2007

Wolfger wrote:
> On 1/9/07, Robert Adkins <radkins at impelind.com> wrote:
>>     This won't happen when the face of GPL software looks like a raving
>> lunatic (unshaven, wild hair) screaming about how terrible EULAs are and
>> proclaiming the destruction of commercial software with a rabid gleam in
>> his eye. (Which quite often is the face of GPL F/OSS movement.)
> I agree 100%. I once read the biography of Stallman, and I had a huge
> amount
> of respect for him in the beginning, but by the end of it (and in reading
> most of the things he's said publicly in the last few years) I could only
> think of him as a raving lunatic. He went from principled to being an
> absolute zealot, and I think he currently does the movement more harm than
> good whenever he speaks.
> bob dion wrote:
>> > By defending the use of Windows for a little convenience one also,
>> > unknowingly, defends such things as DMCA, DRM, TC (Trusted??
>> Computing),
>> > closed file formats, closed standards, closed protocols, software
>> > patents and the next dirty trick MS will pull on us...
> Or maybe I just support those who fly the black flag...
> --
> Wolfger
> http://randomsynapsefiring.eponym.com/
> AOL IM: wolf4coyot
> Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
> Skype: wolfger88


The biggest problem is that you didn't already understand the RMS is a
complete nut before reading his biography.  RMS is crazy.

I'm completely for about 85%+ of the same stuff he is "for" but he is, as
you said, a complete lunatic.

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