[mdlug] Suggestions for flash-drive Linux?

Richard Harding rharding at mitechie.com
Wed Jan 3 13:04:48 EST 2007

Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>> From: Aaron Kulkis
>>>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReadyBoost
>> As described on the Wikipedia page, exactly how does
>> slower memory which costs more $$$/GB benefit the user?
>  The idea is that, in theory, at least some flash drives have better
> *random* I/O characteristics than hard drives. And this random performance
> is critical to the performance of page caches, which are not generally
> very large. So in some circumstances, allegedly, using a flash drive for
> the page cache can be faster than using a hard drive.


My understanding is that this is much more to do with sleep/hibernation. 
  You can close the laptop lid, it can save ram to the flash disk, and 
boot with that info. Since the flash doesn't need power to hold the info 
it saves battery life. It's more efficient since it skips the saving of 
the ram/system state to the moving hard drive.


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