[mdlug] IBM plants Linux on the desktop

greenproc greenproc at charter.net
Tue Feb 13 18:56:28 EST 2007

Drew wrote:
>     Okay, I've opened up both Microsoft Word (albiet an older version) in
> Windoze, and simultaniously Open Office Writer in Linux. Now I admit I
> don't know everything about these machines that I ought to, but could
> someone explain to me *what is the difference* between the two apps that
> makes Open Office so "hard" to people used to Microsoft?

The hard difference, is that they are used to a different application: ms-office
It's almost exactly the same, but because it looks different there is intimidation.
You know, like when you're used to win2000, and now something like vista lands
on your desktop ... :=)

>     They both have File, Edit, View, Tools, and other menus with Open,
> Save, Save-as, Cut, Paste, Copy, and other stuff. They both have format
> options for text, a variety of fonts, intalics, bold, underline, et al.
> They both use a mousie to point, select, highlight, and move text around
> on a window on a screen with multiple windows. Only differences I can
> see are the logos and maybe some subtle rearrangement of the menu items.
>     What Is The Difference???
>     Also tried Microsoft Excel alongside Open Office Calc. Same thing:
> both have a matrix of Columns A,B,C,D,... and Rows 1,2,3,4,5...; in
> both you enter a formula in a cell and it calculates and displays a
> value; etc. Okay, maybe a few not so subtle differences. But how hard
> can it be to get used to, or switch back and forth between preceeding
> a formula with an equals sign versus the way Excel has you do it?
>     I'm with finding employees who *can* deal with Open Office, versus
> the ones who "can't".
> ----
>   - Drew.
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