[mdlug] Network backup options

bob dion bobdion at starline-ent.com
Sun Feb 4 05:58:43 EST 2007

R. Kannan wrote:
>  "Carl T. Miller" <millerc at cantonpl.org> wrote:
>> Sent: Feb 3, 2007 9:18 PM
>> To: MDLUG's Main discussion list <mdlug at mdlug.org>
>> Subject: Re: [mdlug] Network backup options
>> greenproc wrote:
>>> You could boot with System Rescue CD, or Knoppix, or even to your desktop
>>> if
>>> it's not too instable, and then scp the partitions to a directory on your
>>> laptop
>>> -- but that won't work unless you're happy to tar and compress once it's
>>> on your
>>> laptop.
>> Actually it is possible to tar it before it arrives at the
>> laptop.  Boot from a Knoppix CD and run the tar command
>> output to ssh.  Something like this:
>> tar cvz / | ssh user at laptop "cat > ~/desktop.tar.gz"
>> Or if you want to copy the entire partition gzipped:
>> gzip /dev/hda1 | ssh user at laptop "cat > ~/desktop.hda1.gz"
> Thanks. Exactly what I was looking for. But one question on the second command. 'man gzip' did not have a whole lot of details on using gzip on a device. How do I write back the contents on a partition like...
> gunzip desktop.hda1.gz /dev/hdb1

If you are having any read issues, you may want to look at using 
'ddrescue'. This will make an image of the partition you can either 
mount or 'dd' to another HD.

There is also 'Mondo' this will make CD or DVD images for you. Not sure 
if this in included with Knoppix.

For future reference there is backuppc to maintain backups over a 
network or for doing backups from your desktop to another partition or 
networked system there is Kdar (the KDE disk archiving) tool.


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