[mdlug] AntiSpam Tools

Jim jbroughton at twmi.rr.com
Sun Dec 9 18:47:09 EST 2007

Michael ORourke wrote:
> Sorry... I know this discussion came up yet again recently.  What are the 
> latest anti-spam tools people are successfully running on their own mail 
> domains?
> -Mike
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 I run a qmail box for 2 domains and the best anti spam solution I have 
used so far
is 1. Firewall rules to block countries with heavy spam output.  2. 
spamdyke. a real time blacklist
spam blocker. Then I have clients use thunderbird with anti-spam 
capabilities turned on.
Since the company I work for does not have any overseas business 
dealings firewalling a
countries ip blocks is a very easy solution.

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